Curriculum guidelines
The curriculum guidelines are distributed to instructors in charge of training groups at the time of the first guidance. The guidelines, designed to provide the outline of practical training, present time schedules and details of training as well as the goals of each group.
Reports on teamwork training
Since the first session in 1999, reports on teamwork training have been submitted every year. Each of about twenty groups creates a four page-report stating profiles of the training facility, explanation of targeted diseases, and achievements of the training as well as room for improvement. Opinions and comments from students confirm their willingness to conduct the training with students of the School of Medicine. Reports are forwarded not only to instructors of the School of the Health Sciences but also to the facilities where training has been provided. This facilitates information exchange between them.
Documents on the program and reports at the Faculty Development meetings
- Hatsue Ogawara, Mayumi Ito, Fumio Endo, Hirohisa Yamakatsu, and Ayako Ono: Educational assessment of teamwork training over the past four years (Proceedings of the School of Health Sciences, Gunma University, 24: 93-101, 2003)
- Fumio Endo, Mayumi Ito, Hatsue Ogawara, Hirohisa Yamakatsu: The status of education for multidisciplinary care in the School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Gunma University – Approaches to teamwork training (Quality Nursing, 9: 36-39, 2003)
- Yoko Uchida: Discharge plans to increase “ADL (activity of daily living)” – Discharge plans developed by students (Community care, 7: 58-61, 2005)
- Mayumi Ito: The status of teamwork training and problems: Workshop for health sciences education in Gunma University, “Curriculums for health sciences education”, at the Millennium Hall in the School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Gunma University on February 6, 2004 (Maebashi)