December 9-12
A Visit to the World Health Organization/WHO (Geneva, Switzerland) (Watanabe, Koizumi, Tozato, Hayashi, Makino, Yasukawa, Ito)
A total of seven JIPWEN members, namely six from the Gunma university and one from the Niigata university of Health and Welfare, visited the WHO. They met with staff of the Human Resources for Health (HRH) department, discussed the health workforce crisis prevailing all over the world and measures to cope with the crisis, obtained information on the strategies and endeavors of the international community, and exchanged opinions on roles of the JIPWEN. Through a series of intensive discussions, WHO recognized the values and possible contribution of the JIPWEN to WHO activities. At the end of the visit, a plan of collaborative activities between the HRH and JIPWEN was developed for the next two years (2009-2010).
* The pictures show meetings with the staff of the Global Health Workforce Alliance (GHWA) and staff of divisions of the HRH department. There is also a commemorative photo with the Dr Hiroki Nakatani, Assistant Director General of the WHO, after the meeting with him. (Permissions were obtained on taking pictures prior to meetings.)